Monday 15.06.22

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 800m row

- 1x20 Back Squat (try to go higher than last week, if you can)

Main WOD
- 400m Run
- 30x Box Jumps (24/20)
- 30x KBS (1.5/1)

Mobility WOD
- Banded hip flexion: Example

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Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Warm Up
Longer on the warmup today to brush off our weekend.  Be warmed up and ready to go before class starts.

Back Squat: Continuing the progression and trying to lift more than we did last week.  Ensure that your body is tight; abs, glutes, everything, before you try to complete the lift.  Breath at the top of the lift only.   Keep a good lumbar curve and your weight on the heels.

Main WOD
Step ups/down are authorized and encouraged

Mobility WOD
- With our legs nice and warm from the WOD it is a perfect time to work on mobility.  Grab a band and take it to the wallball wall.  You'll lay on your back and wrap each end on your knee, running the band behind your back.  Put your feet on the wall, good squat position and rotate your knees slowly side to side for 2 minutes.  Second part is to rotate figure four with your legs, holding 30 seconds minimum for 2 minutes.