Friday 15.06.19

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 500m row

Main WOD
Team CFG 14.4
- 20 Minute AMRAP
- 60 CAL Row
- 50 T2B
- 40 Wall Balls (10'/9')(20/14)
- 30 Cleans (135/95)
- 20 MU (scale 2 pullups/2 dips)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Todays workout is a team Crossfit Games Workout 14.4.  The time limit has been increased to 20 minutes to ensure both partners get it in.  Only one person working at a time while the other rests.