200 Burpee box jumps (24"/20")
Each team may decide how to apportion the reps, but only one member may work at a time.
If it’s a nice day, pull the box outside.
Post team time to comments.
Coach's Notes.
Some people can combine the burpee and the box jump into one fluid movement and some cannot. Since the box is going to be farther away from you when you pop up out of the burpee you will probably need to step closer before jumping onto the box. If you attempt the box jump from farther away please be cognizant of the potential of a miss as you fatigue. Likewise, as you come down off the box it may be in your way as you try and drop for the next burpee so make sure your forehead is going to clear the large piece of wood below. Consider a step back before dropping to the deck.
Also consider where your feet are when you jump. Are they in a good jumping position? A common burpee technique is to snap up out of the burpee with your feet wider than shoulder width and with feet turned out. But is this how we safely jump? Aim to jump with your feet straight and beneath your hips, then you can jump injury free.
REMINDER -- Mark will conduct a Coaches' Clinic tomorrow (WED) from 0600-0700. All current and aspiring L1 trainers are encouraged to attend.
Training Videos.
- An MWOD video that discusses movement prep for a BURPEE.