Monday 05.06.13

Max Effort (1RM) Barbell Turkish Get-up (L & R)


As many reps as possible in 10:00:
Turkish Get-ups (53/36)

Post loads and reps completed to comments.

Coach's Notes. 
The intent today is to attempt a 1RM barbell TGU, both left and right arms.  Start with an empty bar (use the 25 or 35 pound bars if needed) and work your way up to a one rep max, alternating between your left and right hands.  Rest as needed between attempts.  If you struggle with the strength or stability aspect on the barbell, scale using a kettlebell or dumbbell and work on perfecting your form.

After you have achieved your one rep max, perform the METCON with a kettlebell or dumbbell using whatever weight you can manage and keep moving for ten minutes. Switch sides as necessary, or do them all on one side if you are injured or so inclined.  Compare to 04.03.13 (15min AMRAP).

Training Videos.
  • Jeff Martone gives a nice demo and description of a TGU HERE.
  • And a demo of a BARBELL TGU courtesy of some guy who almost needed a new garage door.