Wednesday 04.17.13

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

Follow with 100 AbMat Sit-ups.

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Coach's Notes. 
Compare to 12.27.12 and 02.14.13.  As with Monday's squats, warmup and get in 5 sets at working weight.  Two approaches there: either straight sets across, or work toward a 3 RM.  Scan the second article below, and pick a few items to assess and work on (hip and head position, breathing technique, slack out of the bar, etc).  Build toward consistency in your setup and technique, and make every rep look the same as the first.

If you are selecting your skill work with the APFT in mind, some pushups won't interfere with the rest of the week's programming.  Practice full ROM, and work in some plyo sets on bumper plates.  Improving your dynamic strength will do nothing but help you out on the PT test.

Training Videos.  I've become drawn to Dave Tate's EliteFTS site lately for instruction on powerlifting-type exercises.  A few more resources below.  Be aware there are some differences between the CF approach to deadlifting and that of a powerlifting specialist.  One big piece of conflicting advice I haven't resolved yet involves shoulder position relative to the bar at setup...differs from the standard Rippetoe/CF geometry.  More to follow...discuss thoughts in comments.
  • "Teaching the Deadlift" - Brian Carroll provides instruction on setup and execution (~8:30).  The part in the middle where you throw chalk dust around like the Sandman? Yeah, don't do that.
  • Deadlift Tips and Tricks.  Again, written with a powerlifting focus, but the majority of this material is equally applicable to strength/weightlifting in a GPP context.  Interesting concept of "the teeter-totter" in both references.