5 RFT:
24 Double-unders
18 Burpees
12 Thrusters (75/45)
6 Toes-to-bar
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Coach's Notes.
This METCON is designed to build some volume doing the things you hate/love in numbers that will build your confidence and get your heart pumping at the same time. Mmmm…roasted goat!
Let's organize some group starts on this one. Find a partner and get to it. If you have trouble with unbroken DU or TTB, set a goal and stick to it each round (fight for 10 DU and finish with singles...alternate single DU with single jumps, etc.). You gotta do 'em to get better at 'em.
Training Videos.
- "Out of Control Goats" - (WFS) What the...somebody tame those goats!