Wednesday 03.13.13

10 RFT:
Row 250m
25 Double-unders

Post time to comments.

Coach's Notes. 
If you plan to compete in tomorrow’s Open WOD, consider scaling back the rounds.  While you're at it, put some thought into your plan of attack for 13.2 -- one and done on Thursday morning?  Wait for some of the blogs and sites to post WOD strategies, and get it hard on Friday?  Or test run on Thursday, rest and retest on Saturday afternoon?  Make sure you check out the judge coord forum and get a read on upcoming judge sessions.

One more note.  In case you didn't realize it, the guy that programs your workouts placed 4th in the North Central region in his masters division on Open WOD 13.1.  Unbelievable...way to crush it on opening week, Mark!  Let's see what comes out of the hopper tonight. Tune in Wednesday just after 1900.

Training Resources.
  • Do yourself a favor and bookmark some sites that post Open Games WOD strategies.  Mobility WOD, the Outlaw Way, Beyond the Whiteboard, and of course the Games Site have all posted quality material.  Leverage the advice and experience of others...check in before "3,2,1...Go!"
  • "Recovering Your Calves + Hydration Check" - from Mobility WOD.  All the DUs and burpees and box jumps recently...may be worth some maintenance on your calves.  Work some active recovery in to ensure you're ready to go.  And, a quick check on hydration levels headed into Thursday.