Front squat 2-2-2-2-2
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Coach's Notes.
Compare your snatch to 03.05.13, use your front squat 5x3 on 02.04.13 for reference. Warm up well (remember your Burgener Warmup) and use weights of 80-85% of your 1 RM for your working sets. If it feels right, attempt a new 1 rep max.
Should I be doing power or squat/full snatches, you ask? Here's a pretty strong opinion from Outlaw and Glenn Pendlay in favor of the latter. What enables a monster snatch? The answer is at about :37 in the video below. The second pull only gets the bar about chest high...Vaughn's ability to drop under and receive the bar in a deep squat and powerful overhead position is what makes it possible to complete the lift.
Trainers, make it happen today. Be generous with your time, organize some ad-hoc instructional sessions, and coach beginners through warmup and technique. Provide feedback on form at low weights, some mobility drills for improving position, and ideas for scaling approaches to today's workout. Recommend watching the first vid below for your own benefit, and to recall some key concepts to pass on to others.
Training Videos.
- "Teaching the Snatch" - with Josh Everett. Solid intro for everyone, great review for trainers.
- "Snatch at 285#" - recent CFHQ vid featuring Chad Vaughn. Amazing slo-mo capture of some pretty solid form.
- "Front Squat: Good and Bad" - old HQ vid that gives a good refresher of the basics (turn down the speakers)