In two-person teams, perform 8 rounds for time alternating between:
200m Med-ball run (20#)
Max rep Burpees
*Penalty for grounding the ball (intentionally or otherwise) is 5 burpees per team member.
Detailed instructions below -- post time and total (non-penalty) burpees to comments.
Coach's Notes.
Plan for a 0530 linkup for a 0545 start time at the track. Coordinate additional group starts in comments!
QUICK EDIT -- OK, maybe the math below doesn't work out. Either use 2 balls, or use a 100m down-and-back course. We used the football field this AM.
In a a two-person team, grab one 20 lb ball per team and head for the track. Position yourselves 200m apart, 180 degrees out on the track at the waist (not the ends), with one member carrying the ball. On “go,” the member with the ball begins running around the track with the ball to hand off to the other member. While that member is running the other member begins - what else? Burpees! Members hand off the ball every 200m in alternating fashion until the team completes one mile (800m total running distance each person).
Your score is the elapsed time to complete the mile. Tie breaker is team total burpees. Penalty for grounding the ball intentionally or otherwise is 5 burpees per team member. Penalty time spent on burpees counts toward your total time, but not total burpees.
REMINDER -- Charles will be in the Bubble for regular monthly maintenance Friday at 1500. If you can make it, a few extra hands are always welcome.
- "Embrace the Pain" - a quick read, love the message. Not advocating exceeding your capabilities, or sacrificing technique for the sake of a few reps/seconds. But we all have a little extra in the tank, a little in tap into it you need to acknowledge your mental boundaries and find ways to break trough them. Only 7 minutes on 13.4...give it all you've got.
- "Round and Round" - given the apparatus in this WOD, Retro Jukebox wants to play some AC/DC but we'll stay classy on Good Friday. Which means it's RATT (1984) and some hair metal taking you into the weekend. Have a great one.