Friday 03.08.13

"Divide & Conquer"
In two-person teams, for time:

15 Cleans (155/105)
30 Toes–to-bar
30 Box Jump (24"/20")
15 Muscle-ups
30 Dumbbell Push Press (40/30)
30 Double unders
15 Thrusters (115/95)
30 Pull-ups
30 Burpees
Overhead Walking Lunge (45/25) -- up and back the length of the Bubble

Assign tasks between teammates...individual exercises may NOT be partitioned.

Post time to comments.

Coach's Notes. 
Expecting a smaller crowd than usual because of the LD&E run.  We'll still execute the Team WOD and revisit it again soon -- use what you learn to refine your strategy next time.

Teams study the list and divide the exercises between them. The division of tasks does not have to be even, but the minimum number of tasks for one member is three. The aim is for the team to finish in the least amount of time, so play to the strengths and weaknesses of your team.

For instance, if one athlete can complete 7 of the tasks in the time it takes the other to do 3, and that will produce the fastest time, that is your strategy. You may shift the task load (e.g. from 7/3 to 5/5) in stride if things don’t work out the way you planned. You may not divide a task between team members (e.g. 15 burpees each).

Can also be performed as an individual chipper.  Perform all exercises in your choice of order.

Training Videos.
  • "Feel the Pain" - Retro Jukebox needed some jumper cables today. Can't find anything that matches the WOD, so I'll go with something appropriate for post-WOD 13.1.  But it's a good pain.  Dinosaur Jr (1994) taking you into the weekend!