Wednesday 15.06.24

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 500m row

Main WOD
- 6x Clean (135/95)
- 12x Pull-ups
- 24x Double-unders (2:1)

Mobility WOD
- Achilles tendon work (Skip to :39)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Pace yourself.  Don't smoke yourself on the first two rounds and end up going through the motions.  Keep your lumbar curve locked in on the cleans.  Use your hips to lift the weight.

Mobility WOD
This will help with ankle range of motion (ROM).  If you have a tight achilles from running a lot (problem in the military) or plantar fasciites, this will help.