Monday 15.06.01

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

- 1x20 Back Squat

Main WOD
For Time:

Run 800m
30x OHS (95/65)
30x Box Jumps (30/24)
30x Air Squats
Run 800m

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Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

This is a two part workout.

First, the Back Squat. Pick a tough but manageable weight to start, but no more than 75% of your 1RM. This set is meant to be unbroken.

The main WOD should be attacked with aggression. It’s 90 reps starting and finishing with a run.

For the OHS, remember good active Shoulders. The OHS is performed just like the squat below the waist. Keep a good lumbar curve. If you lose your active shoulders, this squat becomes much harder. Depth below parallel with a strong push out.

The Box Jumps are programmed higher than normal. Men, scale the height down to 24 and ladies down to 20 if you need to. Games Standard. Hips open at the bottom and open at the top. Jump or step ups are allowed.