Admin Notes
  • Coaches' Clinic - WED.  Sorry for the short notice, there will be a Coaches' Clinic this Wednesday (8 May) from 0600-0700.  Mark will review basic TTPs for conducting small group instruction on the 9 fundamental movements, and you will get a chance to practice your delivery.  Participating in clinics is the first step toward assisting at an On-Ramp course.  We are targeting prospects for May 18 On-Ramp, but all trainers are welcome.  Bring your Level 1 handbook, and review points of performance and progressions beforehand.
  • Free CF Journal.  If you missed Ross's comment last week, Crossfit Journal memberships are now free of charge.  Great news -- used to be a $20 or so annual fee to access about 3/4 of the site's content.  The Journal is an awesome resource, with tons of new and archived videos and articles on a wide variety of topics.  Sign up today!