Closing out the Open with WOD
13.5. Again, we will have the usual
Thursday/Friday AM sessions as a start point. Weekend support windows below, but must arrange for a judge to grade. Request and coordinate
additional judge sessions in the comments if needed.
Some quick strategy links...Outlaw talks pacing and rest plans and Paoli gives efficiency tips. Meg and Pete had good luck experimenting with reverse grip and alternating grip on CTB. If you are having trouble getting enough "oomph" on your pullups, give them a shot.
Judge roster and contact info posted here, but please use this site for routine coordination.
1200-1330: Mike +TBD
1630-1800: Russ, then Meg, Liz & others
~0615-0730: Post-Team WOD (Judges TBD)
0930 start: Meg +4 judges
1200-1330: Mike +TBD
1630-1800: Liz +TBD
AM: Note -- post 5K festivities going on. Crowd should disperse ~1030.
1100-1230: Bubble open, Scott +TBD
PM (T) Elizabeth available
1200-1330: Bubble reserved, must coord for judges
1300-UTC: Meg +TBD
Some quick strategy links...Outlaw talks pacing and rest plans and Paoli gives efficiency tips. Meg and Pete had good luck experimenting with reverse grip and alternating grip on CTB. If you are having trouble getting enough "oomph" on your pullups, give them a shot.
Judge roster and contact info posted here, but please use this site for routine coordination.
- JUDGES - please nominate times you are available, or if you plan to support a scheduled time.
- REGISTERED ATHLETES - try to fall in on arranged sessions and post a comment to confirm attendance. If something doesn't meet your needs, request a time.
- Running summary of confirmed times shown below, check comments for the most current info.
1200-1330: Mike +TBD
1630-1800: Russ, then Meg, Liz & others
~0615-0730: Post-Team WOD (Judges TBD)
0930 start: Meg +4 judges
1200-1330: Mike +TBD
1630-1800: Liz +TBD
AM: Note -- post 5K festivities going on. Crowd should disperse ~1030.
1100-1230: Bubble open, Scott +TBD
PM (T) Elizabeth available
1200-1330: Bubble reserved, must coord for judges
1300-UTC: Meg +TBD