Monday 04.15.13

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

Follow with 100 AbMat Sit-ups

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Coach's Notes. 
Compare squats to 08.13.12.  Warmup and get in 5 sets at working weight, either sets across or work toward a 5 RM.  Pair up with a training partner and critique each other's technique: depth, driving knees out, upper body position, midline stability, etc.  Make every rep perfect, and practice good form rather than overloading the bar and reinforcing bad patterns.

Training Videos.
  • "WOD 120927 Demo: BS 5x5" - with CrossFit Montgomery County.
  • "So You Think You Can Squat?" - my own form flaws and pointers from Elizabeth during the CFT last week sent me in search of some reference material on the squat.  In this 5-part series, Matt Wenning from EliteFTS provides clear, methodical instruction on improving squat technique.  Bite off what you can chew for tomorrow, then bookmark it and revisit regularly.