Wednesday 03.27.13

21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Deadlift (225/155)
Handstand Push Up

Post time to comments.

Coach's Notes. 
Diane -- one of the original girls, and ugly sister to Fran and Elizabeth.  These three workouts capture much of the spirit of CrossFit.  Each of these workouts is a potent weightlifting/gymnastics couplet containing functional hip, pushing, and pulling movements.

This is a great benchmark WOD for measuring strength and work capacity.  If you scale, make note of your scaling technique so you can compare equitably the next time you revisit Diane.  Remember, lots of options for scaling HSPU...whichever you choose, aim for one that works full range of motion (ROM).

Training Videos.
  • "Diane WOD Demo" - You decide which is more impressive: Laurie's time using a kip, or Annie's with strict HSPU.
  • "Efficiency Tips: HSPU" - with Chan and Spealler.  A LOT of good info in here, both on the kip and HSPU in general.  Pay attention to the part on hand position and don't Press with elbows flared...why would you do HSPU that way?  Good stuff.
  • "Paoli on Kipping HSPU" - good pointers on developing a kip, or improving on it.