Wednesday 03.06.13

Swim 15 x 50 yds (sprints at 80% effort)
Rest 1:00 between efforts, try to maintain splits at +/- 5 seconds.

Post total time and high/low splits to comments.


Rest. Tomorrow is the first Open workout for the CrossFit Games. If you have done some prep for the Games you may want to consider backing off today.

Coach's Notes. 
HOODIES -- Tom will be at the gym from 0530-0630 and 1645-1715 to deliver sweatshirts.
Last call for Games registration! Open WOD 13.1 posts TOMORROW at 1900. We have more than 40 athletes registered, but always room for more. Do it for yourself, and do it for the IMCF Team. The top scores of our athletes automatically contribute to the Team give us a fighting chance at Regionals!

Round and round the hopper goes, where it stops...nobody knows. Face your Fear!