Tuesday 03.26.13

20 x 100m sprints
*Rest no more that 30 seconds between efforts.

Post times (average/high/low) to comments.

Coach's Notes. 
With this workout, focus on form and consistency of effort. In other words, practice running.  For many of us running is a mindless effort with little attention paid to form and efficiency.  If you don’t believe that, pay attention to the form you see on folks here on post running up and down Grant Avenue: heel striking, valgus knees, collapsing ankles, poor head position...the list is endless.  Bad form is a recipe for injury.  Focus on your breathing, midline, foot strike, and stride pattern.

Words of Wisdom.  "Sprinting is an elemental part of CrossFit (consult your copy of “What is Fitness” or Level 1 Trainer Guide) along with weightlifting and gymnastics.  In my opinion, we do far too little of this powerful metabolic training exercise.  So dig out your reflective belt, dress appropriately, suck on a lozenge to coat your throat, warm up well, and get out there!" - Mark

UPDATE -- Sprints as Rx are the strong preference for Tuesday's WOD.  Early AM athletes...with snow on the track and the potential for ice on the road, use your judgment.  Make it work if you can, or shift your workout to lunch if that's an option.  If you must sub, recommend:
  • "Suicides/Gassers" on Harney court.  Warmup with easy strides/cariocca/backwards running drills.  Then perform ~20 reps of line drills...use your imagination on format. Aim for short, intense work cycles  with quick recovery intervals.
  • Swim -- a few warmup laps, then EMOM 25yd lengths until form/pace breaks.
  • Row -- 20 min EMOM of 125m repeats.

Training Resources.
  • "Kenyan Olympic Team Warmup" - you know, I have no idea if this is authentic...it might be a high school track team practicing their Dance, Dance Revolution moves.  Either way, a good sampling of dynamic stretching exercises.  Work a few of them in between a short warm-up jog and some accelerating strides to make sure you're ready for your first sprint.