Monday 03.18.13

A. Overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5

Sets across -- warm up to a good working weight for 5 reps and stick with it for all five sets. That should work out to around 80% of your 1 RM.

B. Three rounds, 30-20-10 reps, for time:

Air squat
Hollow rock
Run 200m

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Coach's Notes. 
Happy Spring Break to our CGSC athletes! We're including an alternate (WOD B) this week for those without access to the Bubble.  The intent is NOT to knock out both workouts.  Focus on one and attack it with intensity.

For those that follow instructions poorly...if you do both, consider scaling reps on the RFT or use it as a guide for some skill work instead.  Hammering yourself all week will not set up your best performance on Open WOD 13.3.

Compare OHS to 09.06.12 (was a 5 x 3) for reference.  It's been a while, two good refresher vids below.

Training Videos.