Wednesday 15.07.01

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 500m row

Main WOD
- Accumulate 5 minutes in the push up plank position, then
- Run 5k for practice

Mobility WOD
- Calf mash and hamstring stretch

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
The intent today is not to run 5K as fast as you can. The intent is to practice running. That means paying conscious attention to proper posture, mechanics, cadence, arm swing, foot strike, all that stuff you put on auto pilot when you lace up and go. For many of us running is a mindless effort with little attention paid to form and efficiency. If you don’t believe that, pay attention to the form you see on folks here on post running up and down Grant Avenue, heel striking, valgus knees, collapsing ankles, poor head position, the list is endless. Bad form is a recipe for injury. Focus on your breath, midline, foot strike, and stride pattern. Partner up with someone and have them observe your form.

Mobility WOD
After running this will help with range of motion and decrease likelihood of tendon injury.

July Programming Notes

Some brief explanatory notes for July’s program

This month’s programming is designed with newcomers in mind, folks new to CrossFit, or new to Fort Leavenworth, or both. As such, you won’t see movements like pistols, muscle-ups, or endless “chipper” workouts. This month is focused on foundational squat, hinge, push, pull, carry, and gait (running) movements with a focus on the quality of movement, consistency of application of those movements, and the importance of pacing and recovery.

I’ve been with Iron Major since its beginning and have observed a bias in every direction you can imagine, mostly toward long, hard work. I’ve also observed that 80% of the folks in our little community are “broke.” And by broke I mean everything from injury to lifestyle and everything in between. We need far more work on foundational functional movement than on complex compound movement. I don’t discount any of those, I am a big fan of muscle ups, snatch, and handstand walks. I am an advocate of “program for the best, scale for the rest.” The problem with that is that we don’t have a regular coaching staff in our affiliate. Discovery learning is frustrating and a path to injury without the watchful eye of a coach. If you have the desire to advance your skills seek out someone with the experience to teach you. If you have the skill, practice your coaching chops and pass it on.

Veteran CrossFitters shouldn’t be disappointed, there is plenty of strength work, couplets and triplets, and variety to test your metabolic pathways and 10 physical skills. I did not include a skill or strength workout to supplement the daily workout as is the vogue on a lot of sites these days. I believe that leads to overtraining, particularly with a five on, two off training schedule. The effect of skill and strength training preceding a WOD is a net decrease in intensity across the board, especially when you try to cram it all in a one-hour session.

This is a hard thing for many people to get their head around – you can have volume or you can have intensity, but you can’t have both for long before performance begins to suffer. You don’t always need more training, you need quality, consistency, and recovery in the training time available.

It’s true that intensity is the variable most conducive to adaptation. That doesn’t mean you should expect “Hero” or benchmark workouts, or endless sessions of burpees day after day to make your training effective. Nor should you red-line every workout with 100% physical effort. Intensity is a very personal measure of effort. I can’t program that for you. What I can do is offer some coaching advice. My advice is to set your sights on about a 70% effort every day. Modulate your effort across the week so you have the energy to show up every day. Stay Fresh. If you show up Monday morning feeling strong, then go for it. Just don’t try to out train your recovery ability. Follow a 90-100% effort with a few at 60-70% effort. It’s your work capacity over time that matters. If, for whatever reason, your training begins to drop because of work, school, family stress, or illness, don’t make your first return effort a herculean effort to make up for lost time. Ease back into it.

One last word on consistency. I programmed five minutes of planks every day. Why? Because everything is a plank! Do yourself a favor: if you are on an oly, Smolov, 5/3/1, Hatch squat or whatever program or cycle, follow the plank program. I guarantee noticeable improvement in all your other movements.

Show up, have fun, stay fresh, and share your experience in our blog!

Best regards,


Tuesday 15.06.30

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 400m run

Main WOD
- Double unders (2:1)
- Sit ups

Mobility WOD
- Couch Stretch

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Today is a good day to practice on your double unders.  

Common problems include: 

Jumping Too Early: Time your jump so it happens just before the rope hits your feet. If you jump when the rope is at its apex, it will need to do 2.5 revolutions to go under your feet twice. If you jump when it's about to hit the ground, it only has to do two.

Making Speed with the Arms: You want your wrists to do the work, not your entire arm. Revolving from the wrists is quick, from the elbows slower, from the shoulders, slower still. We want speed, so keep the arms quiet and the wrists fast.

Making the Rope "Short": Keep your elbows at your sides and your hands where you can see them. If you push your arms out, you're effectively making the space inside the rope smaller, and you'll trip. If your hands are behind you, you're tensioning your biceps and slowing your wrists.

Mobility WOD
- Hold the stretch on each leg for two minutes.  Two times each leg.

Monday 15.06.29

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 500m row

- 1x20 Back Squat (try to go higher than last week, if you can)

Main WOD
"Corroded Fly Trap"
 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of Kettle bell swings (1.5/1 pood)
   1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Burpees

Mobility WOD
- Tricep Mash with lacrosse ball and banded shoulder distraction

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Back Squat: Continuing the progression and trying to lift more than we did last week.  Ensure that your body is tight; abs, glutes, everything, before you try to complete the lift.  Breath at the top of the lift only.  Keep a good lumbar curve and your weight on the heels.

Main WOD
Todays wod is a ladder of KB swings and burpees.  As the KB swings decrease each set, the burpees increase.  Total number of reps each round will be 11.

Mobility WOD
Take the lacross ball and find a box.  Kneel in front of the box and place the lacross ball on the box.  Place your tricep on the ball and extend and contract your arm, moving from your elbow until you get to your armpit.  Do each arm 2x for at least one minute each rotation.

Friday 15.06.26

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 500m row

Main WOD
Team Fight Gone Bad

- Wall Balls (10'/9')(20/14)
- Sumo DL High Pull (75/55)
- Box Jumps (20/14)
- Push-press (75/55)
- Cal Rows

Mobilty WOD
Break out the foam roller and hit any sore/tight spots.  Spend two minutes in each position you choose.

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Today is partner FGB. 1 min each exercise, partners rotate between movements.  Score is total number of each exercise.  Its been a while since we've done the sumo DL High Pull.  Keep good lumbar curve and pull to your chin.

Thursday 15.06.25

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

- 15mins to build a 2 Rm T&G Clean

Main WOD
- 3x Deadlift (225/185)
- Row 250m

Mobility WOD
- Hamstring Mash

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

2RM touch and go cleans.  After the first clean the weight should only touch the ground for a split second before the second attempt.  Keep a neutral spine, good lumbar curve, and drive through with the hips.

Main WOD
Scald the DL if needed.  Ensure the bar is kept close to the frontal plane (ie your body).  Keep the lumbar curve locked in to avoid injury.

Mobilty WOD
After running and doing lifts your hamstrings are going to be tight.  Grab a lacross ball and get to work.  It will most likely be painful.

Wednesday 15.06.24

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 500m row

Main WOD
- 6x Clean (135/95)
- 12x Pull-ups
- 24x Double-unders (2:1)

Mobility WOD
- Achilles tendon work (Skip to :39)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Pace yourself.  Don't smoke yourself on the first two rounds and end up going through the motions.  Keep your lumbar curve locked in on the cleans.  Use your hips to lift the weight.

Mobility WOD
This will help with ankle range of motion (ROM).  If you have a tight achilles from running a lot (problem in the military) or plantar fasciites, this will help.

Tuesday 15.06.23

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 500m row

Main WOD
- 400m Run
- 40x Walking Lunge
- 30x Ab-Mat SU
- 20x Push-ups
- 10x Burpees

Mobility WOD
- Splits to the front and side Example (go to 1:50)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Walking Lunge: Keep your chest upright throughout the movement.  Knee all the way down to the ground.

Mobility WOD
- 4 stretches: ground splits, box splits, left and right leg split.  Hold each position for two minutes.  8 minutes if you work through each stretch once.  If you have the time, work through twice.

Monday 15.06.22

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 800m row

- 1x20 Back Squat (try to go higher than last week, if you can)

Main WOD
- 400m Run
- 30x Box Jumps (24/20)
- 30x KBS (1.5/1)

Mobility WOD
- Banded hip flexion: Example

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Warm Up
Longer on the warmup today to brush off our weekend.  Be warmed up and ready to go before class starts.

Back Squat: Continuing the progression and trying to lift more than we did last week.  Ensure that your body is tight; abs, glutes, everything, before you try to complete the lift.  Breath at the top of the lift only.   Keep a good lumbar curve and your weight on the heels.

Main WOD
Step ups/down are authorized and encouraged

Mobility WOD
- With our legs nice and warm from the WOD it is a perfect time to work on mobility.  Grab a band and take it to the wallball wall.  You'll lay on your back and wrap each end on your knee, running the band behind your back.  Put your feet on the wall, good squat position and rotate your knees slowly side to side for 2 minutes.  Second part is to rotate figure four with your legs, holding 30 seconds minimum for 2 minutes.

Friday 15.06.19

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- 500m row

Main WOD
Team CFG 14.4
- 20 Minute AMRAP
- 60 CAL Row
- 50 T2B
- 40 Wall Balls (10'/9')(20/14)
- 30 Cleans (135/95)
- 20 MU (scale 2 pullups/2 dips)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Todays workout is a team Crossfit Games Workout 14.4.  The time limit has been increased to 20 minutes to ensure both partners get it in.  Only one person working at a time while the other rests.

Thursday 15.06.18

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

- 10 min to build to heavy back squat

Main WOD
- 10x Dead lifts (135/95)
- 10x KBS (1.5/1)
- 10x Bar Facing Burpees
Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Take 10 minutes and get heavy. Follow a rep scheme and warm yourself up into heavier weights. Don’t try for a 1RM after two minutes. You have 10 minutes, use all of it. Maintain a neutral spine throughout the lift. Partner up and have your buddy watch you.

Main WOD
- Deadlift: Keep your shins vertical and your spine neutral. Don’t crane your neck upwards in the setup. Scale weight as necessary.
- KBS are American unless range of motion necessitates otherwise. 

Wednesday 15.06.17

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

- 30 DU

Main WOD
- 21-15-9
- Thrusters (95/75)
- Pull-ups

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Ensure full squat, hip crease below the knee, and full hip extension at the top of the thruster.  This is a smoker, have a strategy.

Tuesday 15.06.16

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

- In 15 min build to 1RM heavy split jerk

Main WOD
Sweet Pea
- 50x Double unders (2:1)
- 10x Box Jumps (24/20)
- 40x DU
- 20x Box Jumps
- 30x DU
- 30x Box Jumps
- 20x DU
- 40x Box Jumps
- 10x DU

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
- Ensure full hip extension at the top of the box jumps

Monday 15.06.15

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

- 1x20 Back Squat (try to go higher than last week, if you can)

Main WOD
- Row 750m
- 9x POWER cleans (135/95)
- Row 500m
- 15 Power Cleans (135/95)
- Row 250m
- 21 Power Cleans (135/95)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD looks similar to one from last week...with one major change: power cleans instead of squat cleans. Times should be MUCH faster this go around.

(Apologies for the late post.  I'm traveling and doing this from a phone!  -Chuck)

Friday 15.06.12

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

Main WOD
Partner Cindy +

30min AMRAP
- 5x Pull-ups
- 10x Push-ups
- 15x Air Squats

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

LAST DAY!!!!!! MAKE IT COUNT. Partner up and end on a high note!!!!!

One partner works while the other rows 250m. When the rower finishes, then that athlete picks up where the partner that was working left off. This continues for 30 minutes.

Cindy is set as an individual event and only 20 minutes. Lets get after it for 30!

Thursday 15.06.11

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

200 Double Unders

Main WOD
- 50x Air Squats
- 25x Ring Dips

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD
Air Squats:
Feet shoulder width apart. Maintain lumbar curve, drop to below parallel. Rep ends with knees straight and hips open.

Ring Dips:
Focus on maintaining a good hollow rock position.  Keep the rings close to the body. Reps go with rings touching the shoulders to elbows locked out.

Wednesday 15.06.10

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

Main WOD
CrossFit Total
- 1RM Squat
- 1RM Press
- 1RM Deadlift

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD

Total Score = Total Weight

You may do these lifts in any order. Each athlete will get 15 minutes to hit the highest weight per movement

Tuesday 15.06.09

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

Main WOD
- Row 1000m
- 9x Cleans (135/95)
- Row 500m
- 15x Cleans
- Row 250m
- 21x Cleans

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Main WOD

Good set up. The Row goes legs, hips, arms, hips; legs…Coaches will cover the rowing technique.

As it is called, this is a clean. Meaning it is a full squat.

Set up:
Feet hip to shoulder width apart with feet turned slightly out. The clean is a “two-pull” movement. The lift begins with the knees moving back and out of the way. Once the bar is mid thigh, violently open your hips with a good shoulder shrug. Elbows high and outside and drop under the bar. The lift ends with bar in front rack, knees straight, and hips open.

Monday 15.06.08

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching

- 1x20 Back Squat

Main WOD
Kettlebell Hell
- 150x KBS (53/35)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Remember your last week weight.  If you made it through all 20 unbroken, up your weight.  If you didn’t, then stay where you were.

Back Squat:

Set up.  Feet to hip width apart with toes turned slightly out.  The bar should rest across your back in the high back rack position.  Bow your shoulders up to help with holding the bar.

Drop your butt back to maintain the lumbar curve and follow your butt to the ground.  As you move down and up, track your knees out over you toes.  Push your knees out as your press up to keep the knees from caving in.  The rep is good with depth below parallel and finishes with knees straight and hips open.

Main WOD
Each time the bell stops moving (it must be moving up and down), automatic 10 burpee penalty. 

**This is a high rep work out.  Feet under your hips, allow the bell to go between your legs with a muted him.  Violently “pop” your hips open to generate momentum.  This is a core, hip flexor work out.  The arms help the bell track where it is suppose to go.

TIP:  You will have to break eventually.  Sometimes, the burpees are worth it.  Plan it out and stick to your plan.

Friday 15.06.05

Warm Up
- Burgener Warmup

Main WOD

TEAM Desforges:

- 12 Deadlifts (225/155)
- 20x Pull-ups
- 12x Clean & Jerk 135/95
- 20x Knees to Elbows.

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

The first HERO Wod for the month.  Desforges is a body destroyer.  These team version is the same as for an individual but the reps may be broken between the two athletes any way they want.

-Lumbar curve maintained
-Keep weight on the heels
-Shoulders slightly in front of the bar on the setup
-Hips and shoulders rise at the SAME rate
-Movement finishes with the hip open and knees straight.

Begins with locked out arms and ends with chin over the bar.  Strick, Kipping, or butterfly allowed

Clean and Jerk:
Though it says clean, a power clean is allowed.  The Clean & Jerk is a two part movement with a pause between the two. 
Set up:
Feet between hip and shoulder width.  Just like the snatch it is a two pull movement.  Feet back and out of the way, once the bar reaches mid-thigh, violent open the hips, then shoulder shrug.  Slight dip of the hips will allow the athlete to catch bar in the front rack.  For the Jerk.  Slight dip and violent upward movement of the bar.  Once the bar is about in front of the face, there is a second dip to catch the bar.  The movement ends with the knees straight, the hips open and bar locked out over head.

Knees to Elbow:
The feet begin behind the athlete and end with both knees touch the elbows together.

Thursday 15.06.04

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- Run 400m

Main WOD
- 3x Power Snatch (115/95)

- 15x Wall Balls (10’/9’,20/14)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Yea, Wall Balls back to back days! Pace yourself on this one. It will get painful somewhere between round 5-7. This simple couplet is intended to tax your mind as well as your body. Save something in the tank to power yourself through the final two to three rounds. Maintain good form throughout.

Power Snatch:
You can muscle snatch, or Power Snatch. If you need to; full snatch but ONLY if you have to!

Power Snatch
Set up:  Feet hip to shoulder width apart. This is a “two pull” movement.

The First pull has the feet moving back and out of the way. The second pull begins once the bar reaches somewhere around the bottom of the pockets of your shorts. You should have an explosive hip thrust-shoulder shrug-then pull your arms with elbow high and outside. The Snatch is an explosive violent lift. It finishes with the athlete’s knees straight, hips open, arms locked out over head.

Wednesday 15.06.03

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- Run 400m

In 14 Min Build to a 3RM heavy front squat

Main WOD
For Time

- 50x Box Jumps (24/20)
- 40x KBS (1.5/1.0)
- 30x Box Jump Overs (24/20)
- 20x Wall Balls (10’/9’,20/14)
- 30x Box Jump Overs (24/20)
- 40x KBS (1.5/1.0)
- 50x Box Jumps (24/20)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

Front Squat:
Set up.  Bar in the front rack with elbows high. As you begin to squat, butt drops back and down to hold a good lumbar curve. Feet under the hips with weight on the heels. The bar should travel vertically down and up to maintain good balance. Good tight core throughout the movement to maintain balance. As you begin to rise out from the bottom, keep the elbows high! Weight should build with you finishing somewhere between 70-80% of your 1RM.

The main WOD is a descending then an ascending rep count. Maintain a good pace and attempt to build your pace as you move through the workout.

Box Jumps:
Game standard. Hips open at the bottom and on top. Jump or step ups allowed.

Set up
Bell between your legs. Feet hip width apart, with slightly hips. The KBS is a hip/core workout. The arms are simply guides for the bell. Forcefully pop the hips open to generate motion for the bell. The bell should stop above the head with the ears flashed in front of the arms. Scale the weight before range of motion. If you scale the range of motion, do Russian KBS. Hands should come to eye level.

Box Jump Overs:
No requirement to open at the top of the box. Two feet take off. Just get over the box! You can jump completely over the box or on top of the box.

Wall Ball:
The movement starts at the bottom of the squat. No requirement to stand prior to starting the movement. The movement ends with the ball hiting the wall at the required height. Forcefully explode out of the squat. TIP. Bring your arms down between each throw. This will keep blood flow to the arms.

Tuesday 15.05.02

Warm Up
- Dynamic stretching
- Run 400m

Main WOD

- 6x Deficit Dead Lifts (225/155)
- 12x Ring Dips
- 40x Double Unders (3:1)

Post loads and results to

Coach's Notes. Normal start times of 0545, 0630, and 0800. Warm up prior and be ready to 3, 2, 1...Go!

This work out is intended to be somewhat paced.  Take your time on the deficit Dead Lifts.  The Ring dips should be done at a good speed, break early if you need to.  The Double Unders for the ones who have them should be no issue with the number.  Get through these. 

Deficit Dead Lifts
- Same set up as the Dead Lift.
- Lumbar curve maintained
- Keep weight on the heels
- Shoulders slightly in front of the bar on the setup
- Hips and shoulders rise at the SAME rate
- Movement finishes with the hip open and knees straight.

The deficit’s purpose is to increase the range of motion.  Athletes will place plates under the feet.  No deficit greater than a 25lb plate.  Anything more than that can increase the chance of breaking the lumbar curve.

Ring Dips  
- Shoulders to rings with full extension at the top.  Keep the rings close to your body.